Filtering news with tag road safety. Found 3 results.
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Muhammad Amirul Afiq bin Ramli, Mohammad Rakib Uddin, Soon Jiann Tan, El-Said Mamdouh Mahmoud Zahran, Yok Hoe Yap
road illumination road safety road lighting
Several measures, such as reduced lighting, may be adopted to minimise energy consumption while providing an optimal and safe level of road lighting. One approach to evaluate the safety impact of reduced road lighting is by using Geographical Information System (GIS) to identify road sections with low level of illumination and high risk of road traffic accidents. The GIS approach required a cost-e...
More DetailM Adi M Sarbini, Syed Bilal Hassan, Tan Soon Jiann, PM Nazri PH Ahmad
RFID readers tags Rasberry-pi Road safety Average Speed Monitoring Systems(ASMoS)
A vehicle average speed monitoring system (ASMoS) design is proposed for speed management in Brunei Darussalam. This paper explains the principle of a RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)-based speed monitoring system, including all hardware and software considerations. Off-the-shelf industry standard RFID development kit is integrated with a Raspberry-Pi board as the Central Controller Unit (CCU...
More DetailN. Hikmah, Soon Jiann Tan, E.S.M.M. Zahran, Yok Hoe Yap, H. Taib
surface roughness statstical analysis road vehicles road accidents transportation regression analysis road building road safety road traffic roads
Road surface condition is widely accepted as one of the most important factors that affect the safety of a land transport system. Although various researchers examined different types of surface condition, only a few focused on how road roughness, particularly quantified by International Roughness Index (IRI), can contribute to the occurrences of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA). Previous studies have...
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