Organising and attending events and programs creates individual students who knows what is ahead and understand planning ahead of important for success.
You can join the Student Representative Council (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar UTB) to gain the experience above and learn more on dynamics of a working environment. We have various focus that you can choose and try and see which fits.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES (ExCO) – more on variety of focus.
ExCo Religious and Spiritual: Focuses in Islamic aspect and practices MIB core value.
ExCo Leadership, Development and Mentor: Focuses on leadership qualities.
Exco Sports: Variation of sports clubs conducted in UTB.
ExCo Culture: A platform to learn varieties of local and international culture.
ExCo Community Service and Project: Focuses in volunteering projects and programmes.
ExCo Publicity and Info-Communication Technology: Focuses on Publication and IT skills.
ExCo Economy and Entrepreneurship: A platform to dwelve in entrepreneurship areas in UTB.
ExCo International Affairs: A platform to connect with International students of UTB
Exco Health, Safety, Security & Environment : To ensure the safety and well-being of the students, staff and environment are taken care of in terms of the safety of the siteand also to provide First Aid in case of emergency occurs
There are 50 clubs under ExCo.
Campus L.E.A.D. (L – Leader, E – Entrepreneur, A – Active, D – Dynamic) – more on specific genre according to school and faculty
Faculty of Engineering | CL Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
CL Civil Engineering | |
CL Petroleum and Chemical Engineering | |
CL Mechanical Engineering | |
UTB School of Business | CL UTB School of Business – Accounting |
CL UTB School of Business – Economics & Management | |
School of Computing and Informatics | CL School of Computing and Informatics – Network Security & Information Systems |
CL School of Computing and Informatics – Creative Computing | |
School of Applied Sciences and Mathematics | CL School of Applied Sciences and Mathe |
School of Design | CL School of Design |
There are 8 activities under Campus L.E.A.D. which includes clubs and Student Chapters.
Student Chapters are industry-linked student clubs which are formed to give opportunities for students to have a hand-on experience related to their courses and programme area.
MPPUTB Organisational Chart
MPPUTB 2020/2021
MPPUTB 2021/2022
MPPUTB 2022/2023
Student News, Activities And Events
Student News and Events: Catch up on the latest events by UTB Students
Highlights : Organise / Attend Tournaments / Attend Event
Student Achievement Passport (SAP)
Your Hours are very important. Record in your Student Achievement Passport (SAP)
Issued to all full-time students in UTB.
It is a mechanism to record your participation & achievement in areas:
Islamic Values, Life skills, Community Service, Physical Recreation,Culture
You will be eligible for SAP Awards given at the end of your study.
Link to 2nd Transcript*