Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) held a virtual Khatam Al-Quran ceremony in conjunction with the Holy month of Ramadhan 1443H. The event was organised by the Religious Unit of the Student Affairs Office.
Yang Mulia Dr. Hajah Ena Kartina binti Haji Abdul Rahman, Acting Vice-Chancellor of UTB, was the Guest of Honour at the virtual event. The University's principal officers; lecturers; staff; and students were also present.
This Khatam Al-Quran gathered and celebrated a total of 12 participants who had completed their 30 Juz Quran reading. The event began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah, followed by Surah Ad-Dhuha until Surah Al-Masad by the participants. The event continued with the recitation of Doa Khatam and Dikir Marhaban. Doa Selamat was read by Awangku Ahmadi bin Pengiran Idrus, from School of Business in Finance and Risk Management followed by photo-taking.
The event then concluded with a drive-through donation to 43 orphanages with a total of $2,797 presented by the Acting Vice-Chancellor.