Dear Staff,
UTB Circular Reference Number 03/2021:
Following the Ministry of Health’s Media Statement on the current situation of COVID-19 infection in Brunei Darussalam issued on Monday, 9th August 2021, and as additional measure to control the possible risk of COVID-19 spread on the campus, it is hereby announced that Universiti Teknologi Brunei will implement Working-From-Home (WFH) effective on Wednesday, 11th August 2021 (Tuesday, 10th August will be a public holiday Islamic New Year 1443 Hijrah) until 21st August 2021. As such the weekly rotation schedule for WFH produced by respective Programme Leader/line manager approved by Dean/ Director/Head of Section today is superseded and replaced with 100% WFH.
Please be reminded that the guidelines for WFH in view of local cases of COVID-19 infection that have been issued are still applied.
Kepada Staf,
Surat Pekeliling UTB Rujukan Nombor 03/2021:
Berikutan Kenyataan Media Kementerian Kesihatan mengenai situasi terkini jangkitan COVID-19 di Negara Brunei Darussalam yang dikeluarkan pada hari Isnin, 9 Ogos 2021, dan sebagai langkah tambahan untuk mengawal kemungkinan risiko penyebaran COVID-19 di kampus, dengan ini diumumkan bahawa Universiti Teknologi Brunei akan melaksanakan Bekerja Dari Rumah berkuatkuasa pada hari Rabu, 11 Ogos 2021 (Selasa, 10 Ogos akan menjadi cuti umum Awal Tahun Baru Hijrah 1443) hingga 21 Ogos 2021. Oleh itu, jadual penggiliran mingguan untuk Bekerja Dari Rumah yang dikeluarkan oleh Ketua Program/pengurus barisan yang diluluskan oleh Dekan/Pengarah/Ketua Seksyen masing-masing pada hari ini diganti dengan 100% bekerja dari rumah.
Sukacita diingatkan bahawa garis panduan untuk bekerja dari rumah memandangkan kes jangkitan tempatan COVID-19 yang telah dikeluarkan adalah masih dikekalkan.
UTB Circular Reference Number: 02/2021
Dear Staff,
I attach herewith an English version and Malay version of the copy of the UTB Circular Reference number 02/2021 Guidelines on Work-From-Home for your reference and use. This is in addition to the Circular Reference Number 01/2021 regarding item 4, Work-From-Home for Staff.
We are executing the University’s Business Continuity Plan Guidelines for WFH to allow flexible working arrangements.
Vulnerable staff are given special consideration to WFH daily effective on Monday, 9th August 2021 until further notice.
Non-vulnerable staff will be allowed to WFH on a rotation basis by up to 50% of staff working on campus at one time effective on Wednesday, 11th August 2021 until further notice. The recommendations from the Programme Leader/Line Manager should be approved by the respective Dean/Director/Head of Section.
Staff are required to keep up-to-date on the BCP announcements via email. For the latest updates on the COVID-19 infection, you are recommended to visit the Ministry of Health’s website at or BruHealth app, or call the Health Advice Line 148.
For further information, you may contact us via UTB Hotline at +673 889 2800 and/or by email:
Thank you for your kind attention.
Kepada staf,
Dengan hormat sukacita disertakan bersama ini salinan versi Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Melayu Surat Pekeliling UTB rujukan nombor 02/2021 mengenai dengan Garis Panduan Bekerja Dari Rumah untuk rujukan abiskita. Ini adalah sebagai tambahan kepada Surat Pekeliling rujukan nombor 01/2021 mengenai perkara 4, Bekerja Dari Rumah untuk Staf UTB.
Kami melaksanakan Garis Panduan Pelan Kesinambungan Operasi Universiti untuk Kerja-Dari-Rumah untuk membolehkan pengaturan kerja yang fleksibel.
Staf yang terdedah dan berisiko tinggi diberi pertimbangan khas bekerja dari rumah setiap hari berkuatkuasa pada hari Isnin, 9 Ogos 2021 sehingga pada satu masa yang akan dimaklumkan kemudian.
Staf yang tidak terdedah/tidak mempunyai masalah kesihatan akan dibenarkan bekerja dari rumah secara bergilir sehingga 50% staf yang bekerja di kampus pada satu masa berkuatkuasa pada hari Rabu, 11 Ogos 2021 sehingga pada stau masa yang akan dimaklumkan kemudian. Cadangan waktu dan aturan bekerja yang bersesuaian bagi staf masing-masing adalah diaturkan oleh Keuta Program/Pengurus dengan mendapatkan kebenaran dari Dekan/Pengarah/Ketua Seksyen masing-masing.
Staf adalah diminta untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan pengumuman BCP melalui e-mel. Untuk maklumat terkini mengenai jangkitan COVID-19, abiskita disyorkan untuk mengunjungi laman web Kementerian Kesihatan di atau aplikasi BruHealth, atau hubungi Talian Nasihat Kesihatan 148.
Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut, absikita boleh menghubungi Talian Hotline UTB di +673 889 2800 dan / atau melalui e-mel:
Sekian terima kasih di atas perhatian abiskita semua.
Dengan hormat
Lim Chui Hua
Pendaftar dan Setiausaha
Universiti Teknologi Brunei
UTB Circular Reference Number: 01/2021
Dear Students and Staff,
Universiti Teknologi Brunei is upholding His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s Titah regarding the local infection case of COVID-19 as stated in the Ministry of Health’s Media Statement issued on Saturday, 7th August 2021, and as a measure to control COVID-19 infection on campus, as well as to safeguard the well-being of students and staff, the following is hereby announced for a period of two (2) weeks effective from Monday, 29 Zulhijjah 1442 corresponding to 9th August 2021:
In addition, we wish to inform that UTB is also taking other precautionary actions as per below until further notice:
UTB will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health, and review the guidelines accordingly and continue to take necessary measures to safeguard the well-being of everyone at the University.
For further information, the University can be contacted via UTB Hotline at +673 889 2800 and/or by email:
For the latest updates on the COVID-19 infection, students and staff can visit the Ministry of Health’s website at or call the Health Advice Line 148 or through the BruHealth app.
Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation.
Please stay safe and practice good hygiene.
Yours sincerely,
Registrar and Secretary
Universiti Teknologi Brunei
cc: Vice-Chancellor UTB
Chair, UTB Business Continuity Plan Team
Our File Reference: UTB/A1/1.2
Date: 27 Zulhijjah 1442/7th August 2021
09 March 2021
We are pleased to inform that with reference to the Ministry of Health’s Media Statement on 6th March 2021, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented for further reduction of social distancing measures implemented following the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.
The reduction allows Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to move to Level 5 (New Normal) effective from Monday, 8th March 2021.
At Level 5 (New Normal), all UTB staff and students are required to continue with the following:
Additionally for TVET and HEIs, co-curricular activities or events are allowed after completing the Risk Assessment Form and must comply to the guidelines from Minitsty of Health. Classrooms, lecture theatres and common areas can be occupied at normal capacities. Local internship programme and study visits are allowed, but study abroad or similar programmes are still put on hold.
Meanwhile, the capacity for Mass Gathering is now increased to 1,000 people at any one time, where the limit is for the total number of people present at an event, which includes all the guests, organiser, committee members, catering staff and anyone present at the event.
Thank you for your kind attention and continuous cooperation.
Kepada Staf dan Pelajar,
Dengan hormat sukacita memaklumkan bahawa dengan merujuk kepada Kenyataan Media Kementerian Kesihatan pada 6hb Mac 2021, mengambil kira situasi COVID-19 di negara ini, Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam telah memperkenankan bagi perubahan pengurangan langkah-langkah penjarakan sosial.
Pengurangan tersebut membolehkan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) untuk melaksanakan Tahap 5 (Kebiasaan Baharu) berkuatkuasa mulai hari Isnin, 8hb Mac 2021.
Di Tahap 5 (Kebiasaan Baharu), semua staf dan pelajar UTB diminta untuk meneruskan perkara berikut:
Sebagai tambahan untuk TVET dan IPT, aktiviti-aktiviti kokurikulum atau acara adalah dibenarkan setelah melengkapkan Borang Peniliaian Risiko dan dimestikan untuk mematuhi garispanduan dari Kementerian Kesihatan. Bilik-bilik kuliah, ‘lecture theathers’ dan kawasan umum boleh digunakan pada kapasiti biasa. Program ‘internship’ dan lawatan sambil belajar tempatan adalah dibenarkan, tetapi belajar di luar negara atau program-program yang serupa masih ditangguhkan.
Sementara itu, kapasiti untuk Perkumpulan Ramai kini dinaikkan kepada 1,000 orang pada satu masa, dimana had jumlah keseluruhan yang hadir di acara tersebut adalah termasuk semua tetamu, penganjur, ahli jawatankuasa, kakitangan katering dan siapa saja yang hadir di acara tersebut.
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang berterusan.
08 October 2020
We are pleased to inform that with reference to the Circular from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) ref. 08/2020 dated 29 September 2020, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam has consented for the Circular ref. 06/2020 on the guidelines for controlling and dealing with COVID-19 pandemic in line with the current development and De-escalation Plan as a result of risk assessment conducted by the Ministry of Health to be updated as below:
28 March 2020
Following the current situation of COVID-19 outbreak, and as an additional measure to minimise the risk of potential COVID-19 spread in the campus, as well as to safeguard the well-being of our students and staff, the University Senate on 26th March 2020 has approved the following recommendations of the Academic Session Committee (Ad-Hoc) and at the School/Faculty Board level on Tuesday, 24th March 2020 and Wednesday, 25th March 2020 respectively.
Other related matters:
3. Work-From-Home: All lecturers will work from home on weekly basis.
In addition, we wish to inform that UTB is also taking other precautionary actions as per below until further notice:
25 March 2020
The University has produced Guidelines for Working From Home (WFH) in view of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This is part of the University’s Business Continuity Plan and in line with the Prime Minister’s Circular number 06/2020 issued on 16th March 2020, paragraph 1.2 on flexible working arrangements. Our University’s Business Continuity Plan is made available in our intranet. We are in Level 5, Countrywide crisis in view of the COVID-19 disease.
WFH means performing work outside campus following the normal working hours that is from 7:45 am to 12:15 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. Please be informed that WFH is NOT CONSIDERED AS A LEAVE. The venue of WFH is the respective staff place of residence. When staff WFH, they are strictly required to adhere to the working hours.
Staff who fall under the following categories and have declared their medical condition to the respective Assistant Registrar/Head of Section are considered as vulnerable staff and they can be given special consideration to WFH on a daily basis.
(A) 60 years old and above
(B) Having underlying medical conditions e.g. respiratory illness, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease and cancer; and
(C) Expecting mothers.
Should the vulnerable staff opt to come to work on campus, the staff should fill in a self-declaration form, see attached, and to take necessary precautions and observe the preventive measures as prescribed by the Ministry of Health.
As an additional measure to minimise the risk of potential COVID-19 spread in the workplace, the University also allows non-vulnerable staff to WFH but on rotation. The rotation will be on a week-by-week basis except for certain jobs that require some staff to be on campus daily, where half-day shifts could be considered. It is the responsibility of the respective Programme Leader/line manager to schedule the rotation in consultation with the staff members. The recommendation from the Programme Leader/line manager should be approved by the respective Dean/Director/Head of Section endorsed by the Vice-Chancellor. The objective is to reduce the number of staff working on campus at one time to 50% during the period that WFH is being implemented.
You may have received the week-by-week schedule (by rotation) from your Programme Leader/line manager up to a total of 50% WFH including the vulnerable staff. The recommended lists by programme area within your Faculty/School should add up to 50%.
The first group to WFH will start tomorrow, Thursday, 26th March 2020. In the event that suspension of face-to-face teaching is extended for another two week, this first group will continue to WFH from Monday, 30th March 2020 to Saturday, 4th April 2020. The second group will then start their WFH from Monday, 6th April to Saturday, 11th April.
18 March 2020
As of 16 March 2020, the Ministry of Health has announced 4 new cases that have been confirmed with COVID-19 bringing the total number of cases in Brunei Darussalam to 54 people. 3 of these new cases are categorised as the second generation of the Kuala Lumpur tabligh cluster. These are individuals who were infected indirectly due to being close contacts with the attendees of the Kuala Lumpur tabligh mass gathering. There is also a single imported case.
With reference to Paragraph 3 of the Circular from the Prime Minister’s Office ref. 06/2020 (SK JPM 06/2020), civil servants (including UTB staff) are required to declare the following to the Registrar and Secretary at the earliest convenience:
3.1 If the officer or staff is confirmed infected by COVID-19;
3.2 If the officer or staff is the close contact of anyone who has been confirmed infected by COVID-19 to the extent he knows;
3.3 If the officer or staff is the secondary contact of anyone who has been exposed to the close contact to the extent he knows; and
3.4 If the officer or staff or any of his/her close contacts has just returned to Brunei Darussalam from overseas, especially from affected countries.
Civil servant (including UTB staff) who fails to make a declaration or give a false declaration will be liable to current legal action.
In addition, with reference to Paragraph 4 of the same circular (SK JPM 06/2020), the precautionary measures for officer and staff who has been exposed to a confirmed infected case of COVID-19 and individual who is suspected of or possibly being infected by COVID-19 are as follows:
4.1 Officer or staff who has been exposed to an individual who is confirmed infected by COVID-19 is the close contact and required to self-isolate and to undergo COVID-19 test as directed by the Ministry of Health.
4.2 Period of self-isolation will not be deducted from annual leave entitlement.
4.3 Officer or staff who has been exposed to the close contact (a contact of an individual who has been confirmed infected by COVID-19) is a secondary contact. As a precautionary measure, the Permanent Secretary at the relevant Ministry should instruct the officer and staff who is the secondary contact to undergo self-isolation as an early action, pending confirmation of the result of the COVID-19 swab test for the close contact. The next course of action will depend on the result of the COVID-19 swab test on the said close contact and in accordance with the Ministry of Health’s guidelines.
The officer or staff or relevant ministry should contact Health Advice Line 148 to seek further instructions from the Ministry of Health and if during the Self-Isolation, they have symptoms of fever or respiratory infection such as coughs, cold and breathing difficulty.
4.4 Period of self-isolation will not be deducted from annual leave entitlement.
If any civil servant including UTB staff fail to obey the quarantine order, self-isolation, fail to make a declaration or make a false declaration that could endanger the public, then the authorities will take legal action based on current laws.
The Circulars from the Prime Minister’s Office ref. 01/2020, 03/2020 and 05/2020 are cancelled. The Circular from the Prime Minister’s Office ref. 06/2020 is effective from the date of its issuance on 16 March 2020 and will be updated from time to time according to the latest requirements and developments.
Press Release Ministry of Health ref. KK/PR/2 dated 16 March 2020
Circular from the Prime Minister’s Office ref. 06/2020 dated 16 March 2020
16 March 2020
The UTB BCP Team would like to inform that currently temperature screening is centrally done at the Phase 2 Entrance Lobby UTB for all staff, students, contract workers and visitors. In the near future, temperature screening will also be carried out at other locations as follows:
Temperature Screening Location | Category |
Security House | Contract worker, visitor |
Library | Staff, student |
CEB Building, Phase 3 | Staff, student |
Faculty of Engineering Lab | Student |
Those with temperature reading above 37.5 degree Celsius will NOT be allowed into the UTB premises and will be advised to call Ministry of Health’s Health Advise Line 148 (operating 24 hours). They will be assessed over the phone.
With reference to the Ministry of Health’s Press Release Ref: KK/PR/2 dated 15 March 2020, all citizens and residents of Brunei Darussalam (including expatriate staff and family members) are restricted from leaving the country, except in certain circumstances such as undergoing urgent medical care, attending court hearings or resuming study abroad.
Requests for permission to leave the country are subject to the approval of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). Any application in this regard may be addressed by email to by including scanned copies of the relevant documentation. For guidelines and application form, please visit the PMO’s website,
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Reference: Press Release Ministry of Health ref. KK/PR/2 dated 15th March 2020
14 March 2020
Please find attached UTB Circular Reference Number: 02/2020 for your attention.
We wish to inform you that the university management is closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 and as the situation continues to change rapidly, our top priority remains the health, safety, and well-being of everyone on campus. We would like to inform that the university management has decided to suspend face-to-face teaching and learning for students on taught programmes for at least two weeks starting from Monday, 16th March to Sunday, 29th March 2020.
However, teaching and learning will still be continued online and remote instructions will be provided to the students. UTB will be utilising its Online Education Platforms (OEP) and other non-face-to-face delivery methods of teaching and learning.
It is important to note and understand that we are not closing the university but changing, our methods of engagement with students considering the current COVID-19 situation. The university remains open and operational with appropriate measures to protect the health of its community.
We have also issued a press release relating to the above.
Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation to keep our campus free of COVID-19 disease.
13 March 2020
Our Registrar and Secretary’s Office has issued a circular relating to COVID-19 disease yesterday to all students and staff, see attached.
We wish to remind not to panic and continue to maintain the following good practices at all times as a precautionary measure:
Students and Staff are not allowed to travel to the affected countries listed in Category A and advised to postpone non-essential travel to the affected countries listed in Category B and C until further notice, as previously mentioned in our BCP Issue number 1 to 5.
Thank you for your kind attention and cooperation to keep our campus free of COVID-19 disease.
11 March 2020
With reference to the recent Mid-Semester break and in light of the reported first case of COVID-19 in Brunei Darussalam, we would like to seek your co-operation to fill in the Declaration Form: Returning From Overseas for those who have travelled outside of Brunei especially to the affected countries in the past two (2) weeks, as part of our monitoring and to stop and limit the spread of the COVID-19 disease as per the link below:
On a similar note, you are required to fill in the attached Declaration Form: Full Compliance and Visiting Countr(ies) at High Risk of Transmission of Covid-19, prior to travelling abroad. Your are kindly advised to observe the advice stated on the first page of the declaration form. The duly completed form should be submitted to the Staff and Students Centre, prior to your departure.
Upon returning from your leave, please also fill in the Declaration Form: Returning Form Overseas for those who travel outside of Brunei especially to the affected countries, as part of our monitoring and to stop and limit the spread of the COVID-19 disease.
The BCP Team would like to remind all staff and students to avoid any non-essential travels to countries at high risk of spreading the COVID-19 infection.
10 March 2020
The Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam has announced the first COVID-19 case after a 53-years old Bruneian man tested positive for the coronavirus yesterday, 9th March 2020.
The BCP Team would like to remind all UTBians not to panic and continue to maintain the following good practices at all times as a precautionary measure:
All UTBians are not allowed to travel to the affected countries listed in Category A and advised to postpone non-essential travel to the affected countries listed in Category B and C especially during the upcoming school holidays.
Staff and students who have to make the trip abroad are required to fill in the respective Declaration Forms provided by the Ministry of Education, which can be obtained from the Staff and Students Centre (SSC), UTB. The completed form must be submitted to the Staff and Students Centre before travelling. The staff / student is required to report to the Staff and Students Centre immediately upon returning to the University. This covers both official and personal travels.
As of 4th March 2020, all countries affected by the COVID-19 infection have been divided into the following four (4) categories and action to be taken are as below in reference to the Ministry of Health Press Release reference KK/PR/2 dated 5th March 2020 and the Prime Minister’s Office Circular number 05/2020 dated 7th March 2020:
Category A: Countries showing sustained spread of infection. Includes Mainland China, Italy, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Korea |
For citizens and permanent residents of Brunei Darussalam returning from the countries listed in Category A, they are required to undergo SELF-ISOLATION for 14 days upon arrival. Self-isolation means isolating oneself from joining any activities involving the general public and is prohibited from leaving the house or receiving guests or going to public places during the isolation period, except for getting medical treatment. The 14-days period will not be deducted from the annual leave entitlement, subject to approval from the Ministry of Health. |
Category B: Countries showing limited infection but large-scale clusters have been reported. Includes: France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Singapore
Category C: Countries showing local spread of infection. Includes Macao SAR, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam |
Whereas individuals arriving from countries listed in Category B and Category C are required to undergo SELF-MONITORING without having to self-isolate themselves from others. Self-monitoring means monitoring one’s health for 14 days without isolation and if symptoms of high fever or signs of respiratory infection develop such as dry cough or shortness of breath, immediate medical attention should be sought at any health centres. |
Category D: Countries that report isolated cases or imported cases. Includes: Other countries that are affected. |
Anyone who requires confirmation on the self-isolation can contact the Disease Control Division, Ministry of Health at 2380316 or 2380318 during office hours.
For further information, members of the public can contact the Health Advice Line at 2381380 and 2381383 during office hours or Talian Darussalam 123 after office hours. For the latest updates on the COVID-19 infection, the public can visit the Ministry of Health’s website at
05 March 2020
Below are for UTBians’ information and attention on the situation of COVID-19 in the Republic of Korea (ref. KPE/HE/S17/2016/J5 dated 26 February 2020):
In this regard, the Ministry of Education has arranged for all Bruneian students in Korea to return home. They will be required to undergo self-isolation for 14 days upon arrival in Brunei Darussalam. Meanwhile, students who are studying or will study in Korea but still in Brunei Darussalam are advised to postpone their travel to Korea.
The BCP Team would like to advise all UTBians (staff and students) again to postpone any travels to Korea. For individuals who have returned or are returning to Brunei Darussalam from Korea are required to undergo self-isolation for 14 days upon arrival in Brunei Darussalam.
With reference to Paragraph 1.3 of the JPM’s Circular Ref. 03/2020, the BCP Team would like to remind UTBians to avoid any non-essential travels to countries at high risk of spreading the COVID-19 infection.
Reference: Memorandum from the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health ref. KK/SUT/M:10/2013 dated 25 February 2020 via memorandum from the Permanent Secretary (Higher Education), Ministry of Education ref. KPE/HE/S17/2016/J5 dated 26 February 2020 that we received on 03 March 2020.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
29 February 2020
We would like to share information with you on the SOPs and work flow charts for the COVID-19 infection control measures that we received from the Ministry of Education.
Religious activities such as recitation of Doa Tolak Bala and reading of the zikir to pray for the prosperity and security of Brunei Darussalam, and for the country’s and our safety, primarily against infectious disease, will be held every morning before classes, led by Ustaz Awang Mohd Fazalley bin Haji Hidup, Head of Ugama Unit, UTB.
Infographics and printed materials from the Ministry of Health are attached for reference.
COVID-19 MAP and Affected Countries:
Here is link of the COVID-19 map for your reference. Again, we would like to remind and advise everyone to avoid any non-essential travel to those affected countries.
21 February 2020
Dear all,
Due to the recent outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19), the Ministry of Education (MOE) has requested every departments and higher institutions including UTB to form a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Team as an Action Team as part of the preparation and prevention of the Covid-19 infection.
The BCP Team would like to inform all UTB staff and students that the Brunei National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC) has distributed facemask to all ministries and higher institutions. However, for the time being, the Team has been
advised to distribute the mask wisely. Priority will be given to those staff who are giving frontline services/staff who serves at the counters/securities for prevention, and also to those staff and students who have symptoms such as fever, cough and flu.
Again, to remind everyone, if you develop symptoms of fever, or respiratory symptoms such as coughing, or shortness of breath, you must seek immediate health advice and proceed to the nearest health centre.
The Team has identified several check points for checking everyone’s body temperature. However, for the time
being, only staff and students who go to the Staff and Student Centre (SSC) and Library Complex will be checked for body temperature. The Team will do the needful for those who are not feeling well or show symptoms, following the SOPs provided by MOE. All are reminded to practice good personal hygiene and frequent hand washing with soap and water or use hand sanitiser.
With reference to Para 1.3 of the JPM’s Circular Ref: 03/2020, all public servants are advised to avoid any unimportant travels to the countries at high risk of spreading the Covid-19 infection. Countries that classified as high risk of spreading the infection include Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Anyone who have travelled from these countries should carry out self-monitoring for 14 days after arriving in Brunei Darussalam (ref: Para 1.4 of the same JPM’s
Self-monitoring means monitor your own health without isolation for 14 days. You are still required to come to work like normal but to practice prevention measures and self checking. However, if you develop symptoms of fever, or respiratory symptoms such as coughing, or shortness of breath, you must seek immediate health advice and proceed to the nearest health centre.
For information and comparison purpose, Self-isolation is for individuals who have returned or are returning to Brunei Darussalam from the People’s Republic of China. They will be required to undergo self-isolation for 14 days. Upon arrival in
Brunei Darussalam, they should first report to the Port Health Office at the relevant point of entry. More on the self-isolation policy is available at
The Team also would like to advise everyone to not leave the state across borders for any non-essential travels e.g. shopping to the Borneo Island including Miri, Limbang, Labuan, Sabah and Sarawak on the coming Thursdays (after working hours) to Fridays or Saturdays (after working hours) to Sundays, Fridays or Sundays as there are suspicious cases in East Malaysia.
Cooperation of all members of staff and students on this matter is highly required. This is to control the entry of the virus into Brunei Darussalam, which has been know to have human to human transmission.
For more information about Covid-19 and press releases from the Ministry of Health (MOH) are available at
and respectively.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.