Product Design

Code | D102
Mode of Study | Full Time
Programme Area | Product Design



The aim of the degree programme is to produce product designers who are capable of working in a wide range of industries from Creative Industries, Service Industries, to Consumer Product Manufacturing. The graduates will play an active role for the development of products for different audiences and needs that are inclusive of oil and gas industry.


Career Opportunities

Product Designer - researcher and developer, Project Manager - managing a development project on behalf of a client, Specialist in the field of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), Research Officer (with universities, research institutions, NGO’s or private firms), Graphic Illustrator, Academic, Product Design writer for journals, Developer, Manufacturer, Entrepreneur, Contractor and others.


The minimum programme entry requirements to the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Product Design are:
(either one of the following requirements):

‘A’ Level:
CDD or 200 ‘A’Level points in 3 ‘A’ Levels passes with minimum of grade C including Mathematics, Physics, Design & Technology, Computer Science/ Study, Art or Art & Design.
BC or 180 ‘A’Level points in 2 ‘A’ Levels passes with minimum of grade C including Mathematics, Physics, Design & Technology, Computer Science/ Study, Art or Art & Design.

International Baccalaureate:
A minimum of 24 points preferably in Mathematics, Physics, Design & Technology, Computer Science/ Study or Art & Design at standard level.

BTEC/BDTVEC Higher National Diploma or Advanced Diploma or its equivalent:
In Architecture, Interior Design, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical & Electronics Engineering.

Work Experience:
Relevant work experience and qualifications deemed to be equivalent to one of the above to be decided on a case by case basis by the School.

At least a Credit Six in Mathematics at GCE ‘O’ Level or its equivalent.

A portfolio containing at least 10 pieces of original work that demonstrate applicant’s creative development and/ or process. The portfolio should include drawings, sketches, idea developments and demonstrate relevant 2D work (e.g. posters, editorial, photography, graphic design artwork, paintings, printmaking, digital imaging, web design, etc) and 3D work (e.g. 3D design, 3D paper structures, packaging design, etc).

A pass in the interview.

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Graphic Technique for Product Design

Research Methodology


Mechanics for Design

Creative Design Studio 1

Management of Technology and Innovation

Effective Communication

Model Making and Rendering

Capstone Project – Part A

Melayu Islam Brunei

Ergonomics and Design

Rapid Product Development

Electrical Principles

Professional Ethics

Capstone Project – Part B

Engineering Materials

Management of Creativity, Design and Innovation

Sustainable Design and Manufacturing

Creative Design Fundamentals

Legal Aspects of Product Design

Design for Manufacture

Inclusive Design and Usability

Creative Design Studio 2

Professional and Portfolio Development

Computer Aided Drafting

Industrial Design


Computer for Engineers