Fashion Design and Technology


The programme aim to produce competent professionals who are able to partake roles in the fashion industry that includes textiles, apparel, retailing, design and related organisations. The graduates will play an active role for the development of fashion and textiles industry locally and internationally. The programme also aims to cultivate essential competencies for today’s society such as teamwork, leadership, entrepreneurship and life-long learning. The students will possess critical thinking, creativity and problem solving.

Career Opportunities

Possible careers for graduates completing this programme are such as and not limited to; Fashion designer, Fashion print designer, Knitwear designer, Textile designer (interiors, automotive, fashion etc), Material developer/ R&D, Accessories design, Pattern cutter, Garment technologist, Stylist, Trend forecasting, Buyer,Visual merchandiser, etc.

The minimum programme entry requirements to the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Fashion Design and Technology are:
(either one of the following requirements):

‘A’ Level
CDD or 200 ‘A’Level points in 3 ‘A’ Levels including Art, Design & Technology, Computer Science/ study or Art & Design.
BC or 180 ‘A’Level points in 2 ‘A’ Levels including Art, Computer Science or Art & Design.


International Baccalaureate
A mininum of 24 points preferably in Art or Art & Design at standard level.


BTEC/BDTVEC Higher National Diploma or Advanced Diploma or its equivalent:
BTEC/BDTVEC Higher National Diploma or Advanced Diploma or its equivalent in relevant subjects.


Work Experience:
Relevant work experience and qualifications deemed to be equivalent to one of the above to be decided on a case by case basis by the School.

A portfolio containing at least 10 pieces of original work that demonstrate applicant’s creative development and/or process. The portfolio should include drawings, sketches, idea developments and demonstrate relevant 2D work (e.g. posters, editorial, photography, graphic design artwork, paintings, printmaking, digital imaging, web design, etc) and 3D work (e.g. 3D design, 3D paper structures, packaging design, etc).

A pass in interview.

Design Concept Dyeing and Printing Capstone Project – Part A
Textile Design 1 Pattern Making and Construction 2 Fashion Merchandising and Retailing
Fashion Design Studio 1 Textile Design 2 Line Development
Effective Communication Fashion Technology Apparel Production and Quality Control
Melayu Islam Beraja Fashion Marketing Entrepreneurship
Pattern Making and Construction 1 Advance Fashion Illustration Capstone Project – Part B
Fashion Design Studio 2 Pattern Making and Construction 3 Fashion Design Studio 3
Introduction to Fashion History, Culture and Trends Textile Design 3 Draping and Grading
Fabric and Textile Fashion Presentations Fashion Research
Basic Sewing Fashion Design Studio 2 ExperiencePLUS