
Code | D101
Mode of Study | Full Time
Programme Area | Architecture


The aim of the degree program is to develop a creative, diverse and rigorous approach to design from the start. It provides an educational environment in which the study of architecture can be developed at an undergraduate level. It also aims to equip students with skills to practice architecture and also an understanding of the technological, professional, cultural and architectural contexts in which those skills can be deployed in a creative way.


Career Opportunities

Job prospects for the Bachelor of Science in Architecture graduates include: Government or Public Assistant Architect with the Public Works Department and Statutory Bodies, Assistant Architect to Professional Architect as an employee in a beg architectural organisation, Project Manager - managing a development project on behalf of a client, Specialist in the field of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), Research Officer (with universities, research institutions, NGO’s or private firms), Graphic Illustrator, Academic Architectural writer for journals, Developer, Manufacturer, Entrepreneur, Contractor and others.

The minimum programme entry requirements to the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Product Design are:
(either one of the following requirements):

‘A’ Level:
CCC or 240 ‘A’Level points in 3 ‘A’ Levels ipasses with minimum of grade C including Mathematics, Physics, Design & Technology, Computer Science/ Study, Art or Art & Design.

International Baccalaureate:
A mininum of 30 points preferably in Mathematics, Physics, Design & Technology, Computer Science/ Study, Art or Art & Design at standard level.


BTEC/BDTVEC Higher National Diploma or Advanced Diploma or its equivalent:
At least 60% or higher of the modules with Merits in Architecture, or its equivalent (including Interior Design,
Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.


Work Experience:
Relevant work experience and qualifications deemed to be equivalent to one of the above to be decided on a case by case basis by the School.


At least a Credit Six in Mathematics at GCE ‘O’ Level or itsequivalent.


A portfolio containing at least 10 pieces of original work that demonstrate applicant’s creative development and/ or process. The portfolio should include drawings, sketches, idea developments and demonstrate relevant 2D work (e.g. posters, editorial, photography, graphic design artwork, paintings, printmaking, digital imaging, web design, etc) and 3D work (e.g. 3D design, 3D paper structures, packaging design, etc).


A pass in the interview.


Design Studio 1 Design Studio 3 Design Studio 5
Effective Communication Environmental Systems Technical Studies and Documentations
History & Theory of Architecture Construction Technology Building Performance and Services
Architectural Drawing and Representation Building Information Modeling (BIM) Entrepreneurship
Melayu Islam Beraja Design Studio 4 Design Studio 6
Design Studio 2 Industrialised & Automated Building Systems Capstone Project
Principle of Structures Urban Design Theory and Practice Professional Practice
3D Modeling and Visualisation Introduction to Green Building ExperiencePLUS
Cultural and Contextual Studies