Balloon angioplasty
A catheter’s balloon is a kind of “soft” catheter with an expandable “balloon” at its end that is utilized amidst a catheterization treatment to expand a tight hole or channel inside the body. The flatten balloon catheter is placed, then inflated to execute the appropriate operation, and then deflated again for it to be withdrawn. Angioplasty balloon catheters are either Over-The-Wire (OTW) or Rapid Exchange (Rx) in design. A Plain Old Balloon Angioplasty (POBA) is performed when a balloon angioplasty is often employed to condense plaque inside a congested coronary artery.
Figure: Balloon Angioplasty procedure to reduce stenosis in the lumen of arteries.
Afiqah Wajihah, Non-Newtonian fluid models for blood flow analysis under abnormal rheological states, Ph. D thesis submitted in April 2021 to GSRO and Library, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam.