

Room 2A.21

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Current Teaching Module

  • Electrical Machines 1

  • Electrical Machines 2

Specialized Area

  • Power Electronics and Drives

Research Interest

  • Renewable Energy - Solar PV System: Converters and MPPT Algorithms

  • Electric Vehicles – Converters, Charging stations and Charge Scheduling

  • Smart grid, DC Microgrid, and Low Voltage DC systems

  • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability


  • PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

  • Master of Engineering in Power Electronics and Drives

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Funded Projects

  • “Development of Solar PV powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station”, Funded under Special Research Grant, Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam
  • “Feasibility and Techno-Economic Analysis for Solar Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station to promote EV mobility in Brunei Darussalam” Funded by Internal Research Grant (PI), Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei Darussalam
  • “Solar Powered Grid Connected Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles”, Funded by Directorate of Environment and Climate Change, Kerala, India. (Co-PI)
  • “Design and Implementation of Standalone DC Microgrid with Energy Management Control”, funded by Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP-II), India. (Co-PI).
  • “Oman Eco-House Design Competition (EHDC) Project” funded by The Research Council, Oman. (Co-PI)
  • “Design and Development of Solar Powered Street Lighting System for Oman Highways with GSM based control” funded by The Research Council, Oman. (PI)
  • “Development of Hybrid Solar PV-Wind Tree Street Lighting System with Mobile Phone charging station for Highways and Public Places” Funded by Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technologies, Kerala, India (PI)

Career or Professional Bodies/Awards

  • Vice Chair of IEEE Brunei Darussalam Subsection since July 2023.
  • Member of Powered Two-Wheeler (PTW) Safety Taskforce, International Road Federation (IRF), USA.
  • Senior Member of IEEE
  • Lifetime Member- Institute of Engineers
  • Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
  • Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering



  • HYBRID SOLAR DRYER FOR CASHEW DRYING (Patent Application No. 202041030049)


Journal Publications

  1. Lijin Kunjuramakurup, Sheik Mohammed Sulthan, Muhammed Shanir Ponparakal, Veena Raj, Mathew Sathyajith, “A High-Power Solar PV fed TISO DC-DC converter for EV battery charging applications”, Energies 2023, 16, 2186.
  2. H. Ibrahim, S. P. Ang, M. N. Dani, M. I. Rahman, R. Petra and S. M. Sulthan, "Optimizing Step-Size of Perturb & Observe and Incremental Conductance MPPT Techniques Using PSO for Grid-Tied PV System," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3242979. SCI Indexed (IF:3.367)
  3. Jibin B Thomas, Shihabudheen KV, Sheik Mohammed Sulthan, Adel Al-Jumaily, “Deep Feature Meta-Learners Ensemble Models for Covid CT Scan Classification” Electronics, MDPI, January 2023, SCI Indexed (IF:2.69)
  4. Sheik Mohammed S, Femin Titus, Sudhakar Babu Thanikanti, Sulaiman S M, Sanchari Deb, Nallapaneni Manoj Kumar, “Charge Scheduling Optimization of Plug-in Electric Vehicle in a Solar PV Powered Grid Connected Charging Station based on Day-ahead Forecasting of Solar PV generation” Sustainability-MDPI, March 2022, SCI Indexed (IF: 3.251).
  5. Sheik Mohammed, Imthias Ahamed, Shady H. E. Abdel Aleem, Ahmed I. Omar “Interruptible Charge Scheduling for Plug-In Electric Vehicle to Minimize Charging Cost Using Heuristic Algorithm" Electrical Engineering-Springer, September 2021. SCI Indexed (IF:1.836).
  6. S. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj and T.P. Imthias Ahamed, “Learning Automata based Fuzzy MPPT controller for Solar Photovoltaic system” Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 3031-3041, April 2017. SCI Indexed (IF:1.851)
  7. S. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj and T.P. Imthias Ahamed, “A Novel Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking technique using Perturb & Observe Algorithm and Learning Automata for solar PV system”, ENERGY (Elsevier). July2016, 112 (2016) 1096- 1106. SCI Indexed (IF:6.082)
  8. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj and T P Imthias Ahamed, “Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Photovoltaic Modules under Partially Shaded Conditions” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, April 2016. (SCI Indexed)
  9. Muhammedali Shafeeque K and Sheik Mohammed S, “One Stage Transformer-less CCM Buck-Boost Inverter for Solar PV Applications with MPPT”, International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 10_2, 12-18, April 2021. (UGC Indexed)
  10. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj and T.P. Imthias Ahamed, “Genetic Optimized Fuzzy Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Solar PV system for abruptly changing weather conditions” IEI (B) Journal, 2021 (Scopus Indexed)
  11. Sheik Mohammed S, Shafeeque K, Niyasudeen Chukken, Rabeen Abdul Rahim. “Design, Development and Implementation of Electric Tri-wheeler for Differently Abled People”. Annual Technical Volume, Electrical Engineering Division Board, The Institution of Engineers (India), Volume 4, 2020, 29-37. (Scopus Indexed)
  12. P Sarika, Josephkutty Jacob, S Sheik Mohammed, Shiny Paul(2020). A Novel Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique with Zero Oscillation Based on P&O Algorithm, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH, Vol. 10_4, 1962-1973.(Scopus Indexed)
  13. P Sarika, Josephkutty Jacob, S Sheik Mohammed, Shiny Paul(2020), Performance Analysis of Standalone Photovoltaic System with Variable Step Size Zero Oscillation Perturb &Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique, Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 10_9, 6909–6922. (Scopus Indexed)
  14. Sheik Mohammed and Bob Mathew Syji (2020), Energy Management of a Standalone Low Voltage DC Microgrid Using FPGA Based Controller, Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 10_5, 1984–2005. (Scopus Indexed)
  15. Pooja S, Sheik Mohammed S and Shihabudheen K V, “An Efficient Energy Management System for Standalone DC Microgrid”, International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 9_3, 112-119,2020 (UGC Indexed)
  16. Sarah Mary Thomas and S Sheik Mohammed (2020), Solar Powered EV Charging Station with G2V and V2G Charging Configuration, Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 10_4, 1704-1731.(Scopus Indexed)
  17. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj,” Fuzzy based Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller for Stand-alone Photovoltaic system using MATLAB/Simulink” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.55 (2015). (Scopus Indexed)
  18. Sheik Mohammed “Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic module using MATLAB/Simulink” International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. Volume 2, Issue 5, pp 350-355, 2011.
  19. S. Sheik Mohammed, K. Ramasamy, T. Shanmuganantham “A Sierpinski Based Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Power Transmission System” International Journal of Computer Application, Number 13-Article 18, February 2010.
  20. S. Sheik Mohammed, K. Ramasamy, T. Shanmuganantham “Wireless Power Transmission – A Next Generation Power Transmission System” International Journal of Computer Application, Number 13-Article 18, February 2010.

Conference Publications

  1. L. Lijin, S. Sheik Mohammed, P. P. Muhammed Shanir and L. K. Haw, "A Non-Isolated Two Input Single Output (TISO) DC-DC converter for Energy Storage Applications," 2022 International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST), Miri Sarawak, Malaysia, 2022, pp. 238-242, doi: 10.1109/GECOST55694.2022.10010592.
  2. Vaishnavi Vijayan, Sheik Mohammed S,Shereen Siddhara A, Mohammed Mansoor O,and Veena R, “Optimization of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging in a Residential building with Solar Photovoltaic System”, International Conference on Material Science and Computational Engineering (ICMSCE 2022), India (Scopus Indexed)
  3. Veena R, Petra M I, Femin V, Thanihaichelvan Murugathas, Shereen Siddhara A, Sheik Mohammed S, “Predicting the Performance of Offshore Wind Farm Using Artificial Intelligence” - International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (ICUE 2022), Pattaya, Thailand (Scopus Indexed-IEEE Conference)
  4. H. Law, S. P. Ang, H. I. B. H. Muhammad, S. M. Sulthan, S. T. Meraj and S. Y. Sim, "Design of a 24/7 Off-grid Solar Photovoltaic System," 2022 International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST), Miri Sarawak, Malaysia, 2022, pp. 36-40, doi: 10.1109/GECOST55694.2022.10010482.
  5. H. Ibrahim, S. P. Ang, Z. Hamid, S. S. Mohammed and K. H. Law, "A Comparative Hybrid Optimisation Analysis of Load Frequency Control in a Single Area Power System Using Metaheuristic Algorithms and Linear Quadratic Regulator," 2022 International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Sustainable Technology (GECOST), Miri Sarawak, Malaysia, 2022, pp. 232-237, doi: 10.1109/GECOST55694.2022.10010488
  6. Abdul Hadi Isa, Dina Shona Laila, Muhammad Norfauzi Dani, Sheik Mohammed Sulthan, Soon Jiann Tan, “Public Opinion on Electric Vehicle Public Transportation in Brunei Darussalam”, The 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Information Systems, Brunei Darussalam (Scopus indexed)
  7. Hon Y. H., Ang S.P. and Sheik Mohammed, “Simulation and Analysis of Partial Discharge in Single Core Power Cables” International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), August 2022, India.
  8. Karthika M S, Sheik Mohammed S and L Padma Suresh, “A Review on Optimal Energy Management Strategies for Electric Vehicles”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), August 2022, India.
  9. Deepu V, Mohammed Mansoor O, Sheik Mohammed S, Ang Swee Peng, “Adaptive Multiple Step Size Incremental Conductance Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm with Zero Oscillation for Solar PV Applications”, International Conference on Power, Energy, Control, Signals and Systems (IPECS 2022), June 2022. (Scopus Indexed)
  10. Ak Arif Shahmi Bin Pg Hj Shahbirin, Mohammad Sallehin bin Rosli, Ang Swee Peng, Sheik Mohammed S, “Design, Implementation and Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic System Efficiency with Cooling System and Mechanical Tracking” International Conference on Power, Energy, Control, Signals and Systems (IPECS 2022), June 2022. (Scopus Indexed)
  11. Lijin K L, Sheik Mohammed S and Muhammed Shanir P P, “Design and Simulation of Two-phase Interleaved Bidirectional Buck-Boost converter for Battery Storage Applications”, 2022 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE2022), India, January 8-9, 2022. (Scopus Indexed)
  12. Kiran Jose, Sheik Mohammed S, Mohammed Mansoor O, “Performance Study of Solar PV system with Bifacial PV Modules”, 1stInternational Conference on Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies (ICSEAPT 2021), September 2021. (Scopus Indexed)
  13. Sheik Mohammed S, Femin Titus,  “Optimal Charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicle  using Interruptible Scheduling Algorithm”, 1st International Conference on Smart Energy and Advancement in Power Technologies (ICSEAPT 2021), September 2021. (Scopus Indexed)
  14. Femin Titus, Sheik Mohammed S, Viki Prasad, “Charge Scheduling Optimization of Plug-In Electric Vehicle Based on Solar Power Forecasting”, 2nd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC-2021), May 2021. (Scopus Indexed)
  15. Sheik Mohammed S, Ayisha J, “Fuzzy Logic Based Energy Management of Solar Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station”, 2nd Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference (EPREC-2021), May 2021. (Scopus Indexed)
  16. Sheeba Shihab, Sheik Mohammed S, Varun S Prakash, Abhiraj P, Haripriya S and Kiranjith K, “Optimal design and implementation of Solar Powered EV Public Charging Station” The International Conference On Automation, Signal, Processing, Instrumentation And Control I-CASIC 2020, Feb 2020. (Scopus Indexed)
  17. Sheik Mohammed S, K Muhammedali Shafeeque, Muhammed Shanir P P and Shihabudheen K V, “Simulation and Analysis of Solar Powered Induction Motor Drive with V/f Control for Electric Vehicle Applications “2019 Journal of Physics Conference Series, Vol.1355(012023). (Scopus Indexed)
  18. M. Sulaiman, P. Aruna Jeyanthy, D. Devaraj, S. Sheik Mohammed and K. V. Shihabudheen, "Smart Meter Data Analytics for Load Prediction using Extreme Learning Machines and Artificial Neural Networks," 2019 IEEE International Conference on Clean Energy and Energy Efficient Electronics Circuit for Sustainable Development (INCCES), Krishnankoil, India, 2019, pp. 1-4. (Scopus Indexed)
  19. Anu R Krishnan, Sheik Mohammed S, Shaleena Manafudeen, “Comparison of P&O MPPT based Solar PV system with Interleaved Boost Converter”, IEEE International Conference ICICICT-2019, Kannur, Kerala, India. July 2019. (Scopus Indexed)
  20. Sheik Mohammed S, Krishnendu J M “Energy Management Control of DC Microgrid with Electric Vehicle and Hybrid Energy Storage System”, IEEE International Conference ICICICT-2019, Kannur, Kerala, India. July 2019. (Scopus Indexed)
  21. M. Nithin K. Muhammedali Shafeeque S. Sheik Mohammed, “A Novel One Stage Buck-Boost Converter”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing, 2019, Srivillipthur, Tamilnadu, March 2019. (Scopus Indexed)
  22. Krishnendu J M, Sheik Mohammed S, T P Imthias Ahamed, Mohammedali Shafeeque., “Design and Simulation of Stand-alone DC Microgrid with Energy Storage System”, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing, 2019, Srivillipthur, Tamilnadu, March 2019. (Scopus Indexed)
  23. Sheik Mohammed, T P Imthias Ahamed and D. Devaraj, Optimized Charge Scheduling of Plug-In Electric Vehicles using Modified Placement Algorithm”, International conference on In Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), Coimbatore , Tamilnadu, India. January  2019. (Scopus Indexed)
  24. Sarika E P, Joseph Kutty, Sheik Mohammed S, Shiny Paul “Performance Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic System with Fuzzy Based Variable Step Size MPPT Algorithm Using Matlab /Simulink” in IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET 2018) Dec 2018 at Saintgits College of Engineering &Technology, Kottayam, India. (Scopus Indexed)
  25. Sarika E P, Joseph Kutty, Sheik Mohammed S, Shiny Paul “Comparative Study of Standalone PV System with InC and Look Up Table MPPT Algorithm” IEEE International Conference in New Trends in Engineering &Technology (ICNTET 2018), GRT Institute of Engineering &Technology, Chennai, India, Sep 2018. (Scopus Indexed)
  26. Sheik Mohammed S “Multiple Step Size Perturb and Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm with Zero Oscillation for Solar PV Applications” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Current Trends towards Converging Technologies (IEEE ICCTCT 2018) , Coimbatore, India, March 2018. (Scopus Indexed)
  27. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj and T P Imthias Ahamed, “Development of Learning Automaton based Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Solar PV System” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Current Trends towards Converging Technologies (IEEE ICCTCT 2018) , Coimbatore, India, March 2018. (Scopus Indexed)
  28. Udayalakshmi J K, Sheik Mohammed S “Comparative Study of Perturb & Observe and Look -Up Table Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques using MATLAB/Simulink” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Current Trends towards Converging Technologies (IEEE ICCTCT 2018) , Coimbatore, India, March 2018. (Scopus Indexed)
  29. Udayalakshmi J K, Sheik Mohammed S “Design and Implementation of Solar Powered Mobile Phone Charging Station for Public Places” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Current Trends towards Converging Technologies (IEEE ICCTCT 2018), , Coimbatore, India, March 2018. (Scopus Indexed)
  30. Riby John, Sheik Mohammed S and Richu Zackaria, “Variable Step Size Perturb and Observe MPPT Algorithm for Standalone Solar Photovoltaic System” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS'17), Tamilnadu, India, March 2017. (Scopus Indexed)
  31. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj and T P Imthias Ahamed, “Maximum Power Point Tracking system for Stand alone Solar PV power system using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System” 2016 Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE), Bangalore, India, January 2016. (Scopus Indexed)
  32. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj, “Simulation of Incremental Conductance MPPT based Two Phase Interleaved Boost Converter using MATLAB/Simulink” 2015 IEEE International conference on Electrical Computer and Communication Technologies, Coimbatore, India, March 2015. (Scopus Indexed)
  33. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj, “Interleaved boost converter with Perturb and Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Photovoltaic System” International conference on Sustainable Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (SEERE 2015), Abu Dhabi, UAE, January 2015.
  34. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj,” Simulation and Analysis of Stand-alone Photovoltaic System with Boost Converter using MATLAB/Simulink” 2014 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT], April 2014. Tamilnadu, India(Scopus Indexed)
  35. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj,” Design, Simulation and Analysis of Microcontroller based DC-DC Boost Converter using Proteus Design Suite” Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advances in Electrical & Electronics, AETAEE
  36. Sheik Mohammed, A. Shereen Siddhara “A Compact size WLAN antenna based on Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Geometry” ICICN ‘12 -International Conference on Informatics, Computics and Networktics, March 2012, VINS Christian Engg. College, Tamilnadu, India. (Scopus Indexed)
  37. Sheik Mohammed, Thabit Sultan Mohammed, and A. Shereen Siddhara “Solar Power Generation and Wireless Power Transmission: A feasibility study on Power Generation and Transmission in hot arid regions” ICHT 2011 -International Conference on Harnessing Technology, February 2011, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
  38. Sheik Mohammed, C. Renald, K. Ramasamy, T. Shanmuganantham “A 2.45GHz Sierpinski Carpet Edge-fed Microstrip Patch Fractal Antenna for WPT Rectenna”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communication Control and Computing Technologies, October 2010, Tamilnadu, India. (Scopus Indexed)
  39. Sheik Mohammed, K. Ramasamy “Solar Power Generation using SPS and Wireless Power Transmission” International Conference on Energy and Environment, March 2009, Chandigarh, India.
  40. Sheik Mohammed, V. Kumar Chinnaiyan “Design and Implementation of High Power DC-DC Converter and Speed Control of DC Motor using TMS320F240 DSP” at IEEE conference of India, December 2006, held at Chennai, India.
  41. Sheik Mohammed, V. Kumar Chinnaiyan “A Novel Unity Power Factor Stage for AC Drives Application” February 2006 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India.


Book Chapter

  1. Sheik Mohammed Sulthan, Mohammed Mansoor O, Ulaganathan M,Analysis of Solar PV based Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure with Vehicle to Grid Power Regulation” in Power Electronics for Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage: Emerging Technologies and Developments, CRC Press (Scopus Indexed)
  2. Shihabudheen KV and Dr. Sheik Mohammed S, “Review and Analysis of Machine Learning Based Techniques for Load Forecasting in Smart Grid System” Hybrid Intelligent Approaches for Smart Energy: A Practical Approach, Scrivener Publishing, 2022, Pages 1-26 (Scopus Indexed)
  3. Sheik Mohammed, K.V. Shihabudheen, “Performance analysis of a DC stand-alone microgrid with an efficient energy management system”, Residential Microgrids and Rural Electrifications, Academic Press,2022, Pages 233-253, ISBN 9780323901772. (Scopus Indexed)
  4. Sheik Mohammed, D. Devaraj and T.P. Imthias Ahamed "Learning Automata and Soft Computing Techniques based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Solar PV Systems"Intelligent Paradigms for Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Systems. Springer, 2020. (Scopus Indexed)

