Service Modules Offered

The centre offers the following four service modules for the degree students.

1. Effective Communication

The module aims to enable the students to

  • Apply critical thinking to the process of human communication
  • Appreciate and use decision making in communication
  • Appreciate the value of creative thinking in group processes in communication
  • Use strategic planning in conversations

2. Professional Communication

This module equips students to:

  • Write short reports
  • Conduct and participate in negotiations
  • Prepare and deliver business presentations

3.Technical Communication

This module equips students to:

  • Communicate technical content clearly
  • Collaborate on communication tasks
  • Write short technical reports
  • Prepare and deliver technical presentations

4.Research Communication

This module equips students to

  • Write concepts notes and research proposals
  • Write research papers using correct and appropriate style of academic writing
  • Disseminate research information through visuals
  • Prepare and deliver conference presentations

Modules Offered