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  • enquiry.triced@utb.edu.bn

UTB 048 | The Review of International Accounting

Level | Basic

Enrollment Deadline Commencement Date End Date Duration
31st October 2021 24th December 2021 28th December 2021 5 days

The review of International Accounting course introduces participants to the accounting issues uniquely confronted by companies involved in international business, how accounting is practiced in each and every country around the world, learning about and comparing the differences in financial reporting, taxation, and other accounting practices that exist across countries, and the rules and regulations issued by international organizations – most notably International Financial Reporting Standards. The course will also examine the nature and growth of multinational corporations and financial reporting issues such as segment reporting and other.

Entry Requirement |


UTB Facilitator |

  • Dr.Junaid M.Shaikh

Course Method Online Venue of Training UTB
Type of Training Short Course Certification Type COC | Certificate of Completion

Henry Ford

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young