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  • enquiry.triced@utb.edu.bn

UTB019 | Exploring Features in Excel to Optimize the Parameters to Reduce/Enhance an Objective

Level | Basic

Enrollment Deadline Commencement Date End Date Duration
02nd October 2021 02ndDecember 2020 02nd December 2020 1 day

The aim of this course/training is to enable participants to apply simple concepts available in excel to optimize different parameters to reduce or improve a specific objective. These skills help to optimize the human resources, understand the key parameters and improve the business outcome

Entry Requirement |

O Levels Mathematics.

UTB Facilitator |

  • Dr. Rama Rao Karri

Course Method Online Venue of Training Online
Type of Training Short Course Certification Type COA | Certificate of Achievement

Henry Ford

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young