Closed Access Collections

> Closed Access Collections
  • Past Exam Papers
    The Library collects past exam papers which are provided only for the University Staff and Students. These are kept in pamphlet boxes at the Main Counter at level 1. Usage is strictly within the library only.


  • University Archive
    This collection is a treasured collection of the University. Publications consists of materials produced by the University were acquired since 2002. These materials comes in various formats and securely kept separately under closed access. Some of these collections have been been digitised under the eRIS project since 2008. Access to these collection can only be requested from the Main Counter at level 1. Usage is strictly within the library only.


  • Documents/Reports
    The Document Collection consists of pamphlet-type materials, articles and other items of less than 100 pages. These are mainly grey or fugitive literature. They are classified using a running document number and placed in pamphlet boxes. These consists of both local and foreign materials. Access to these collection can only be requested from the Main Counter at level 1. Usage is strictly within the library only.


  • Students’ Projects
    The library keeps final year Students’ Projects and may be used by the University Staff and Students only. These are kept at the Main Counter at level 1. Usage is strictly within the library only.