• +673 2461020
  • enquiry.triced@utb.edu.bn


Enrollment Deadline Commencement Date End Date Duration
18th May 2025 21st July 2025 14 weeks

This module aims to provide students with the ability to develop their leadership styles and understand others’ leadership styles, lead teams, manage strategically, and make decisions. Students are exposed to a broad range of contemporary perspectives on leadership, and how to inspire and get the best from people and organizations.
This module includes the following topics:

  • Fundamentals of leadership and its defining characteristics.
  • The concepts of leadership in an organizational, social, environmental and multicultural context
  • The key roles that leaders play in creating visions and strategies, and the implementation of leadership strategies to meet current and future organizational demands.
  • Critical issues in leadership, including how leaders are selected, development tools that are available, and issues of evaluation.
  • How leadership development strategy is formulated and implemented in international and global contexts
  • Leading change, and the key challenges that organizations and individual managers face
  • How leaders influence and persuade others; ethical issues that such practices pose
  • How leaders build employee commitment and engagement, particularly through practicing ‘Evidence Based Management’
  • Leadership skills for building teams and securing involvement and participation.
  • Core communication skills used by leaders to motivate followers.
  • Thinking skills for leaders: barriers to rational thinking and how they can be overcome.
  • Promoting collaborative working and engaged followership behaviors

Entry Requirement |

A Bachelor's Degree or A BDQF Level 5 Diploma with at least 3 years Working Experience or Relevant Work Experience and/or other Qualifications

Level Intermediate Venue of Training UTB

Henry Ford

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young