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  • enquiry.triced@utb.edu.bn

UTB072 | Social Media Analysis

Level | Intermediate

Enrollment Deadline Commencement Date End Date Duration
31st October 2021 20th December 2021 02nd January 2022 3 days

This module provides the participants state-of-the-art in understanding the topics of social media analysis and oversee how the artificial intelligence, network anaylysis and statistical method used to understand the topics. The topics include influence and centrality in social media, information diffusion on networks, topic modeling and sentiment analysis, identifying social bots, and predicting behavior. Although there are no prerequisites, the proficiency in programming and algorithms, and having some courses in linear algebra and statistics. AI and machine learning is an advantage.

Entry Requirement |


UTB Facilitator |

  • Dr. Arif Bramantoro

Course Method Online Venue of Training Online
Type of Training Short Course Certification Type COC | Certificate of Completion

Henry Ford

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young