Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) has been conducting Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (BICET) biannually. BICET has been a useful forum for UTB academics to interact with researchers in the region and to present their research findings in an international forum. The 4th BICET was held in January 2012, while the 5th BICET was held on 1-3 November 2014, 6th BICET was held on 14-16 November 2016 and the 7th BICET was held on 12-14 November 2018. The 8 th BICET is scheduled to be held on 8-10 November 2021.

In the wake of the fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0), the exploitation and adoption of key enabling technologies such as additive manufacturing, collaborative robotics, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and IoT seeks for the progressive automation of the production process. In addition, society nowadays is highly reliant on smart technologies which are advancing rapidly to meet their demands. However, the technological development pace are not same among nations and regions for various reasons. To bridge this gap, it is imperative that the latest outcomes of research endeavours in different regions are shared for the good of society as well as to leverage on new technologies to improve business performance and to open up new opportunities and collaborations Constructive dialogues between academics, technologist, engineers and researchers will not only contribute to the transfer, but also drive knowledge to higher levels with richer perspectives. As a leading technological university, UTB nurture socially responsible talents committed to building a global and entrepreneurial society in pursuit of innovation, industry-relevant capabilities, towards the fulfillment of Brunei Vision 2035. In this capacity, UTB is an influential institution of higher learning especially in the areas of Civil, Electrical & Electronic, Mechanical, and Petroleum & Chemical Engineering. As such the BICET 2021 will provide an important platform for academics, researchers, engineers, students, and experts to exchange ideas in order to strengthen innovative and interdisciplinary research on integrated technology towards embracing IR4.0.
Conference Objectives
- 1.   Provide a forum for intra/inter-disciplinary exchange of current research findings in Engineering and Technology.
- 2.   Foster collaborative research.
- 3.   Enhance dialogue between practitioners, researchers and academics from different academia and industries.
- 4.   Explore opportunities for development and implementation of research findings.
- 5.   To enhance life-long learning and nurture innovation in engineering and technology.
- 6.   Allow wider dissemination of the issues discussed and knowledge exchanged, presented papers through conference proceedings
Conference Topics/Areas/Tracks
Please download the conference brochure: All peer-reviewed papers shall be included in the AIP Conference Proceedings which is indexed by Scopus (Elsevier), Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science) and Inspec. |